Men and women


Woman as cigarette
desired for the buzz provided
satisfaction of craving sated

Set alight, inhaled, discarded.


He would like a wife
a partner, an equal
to make a home and raise a family with.

But what if she changed her mind
made accusations
denied the sex enjoyed was consensual.

Or what if they married
and then she left
taking half of all they built together
and the kids.

So he remains
unable to believe words spoken
that promises would be kept.


When a man speaks to a woman
he expects to be listened to
his words poured into a willing receptacle.

Responses should be short and encouraging
only ceasing when he is sated.

When a woman speaks to a man
she is an irritation
white noise


She smiles coyly at him
She fawns over him
She does that thing he likes in bed
even though it repels her
He feels loved.

She basks in his attention
Accepts the behaviour of his friends
Ignores the voice that tells her
he chose them
and is the same when not with her.

Resentment festers
when performance ends
applause dies down
they step outside as themselves.

smoking man

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